Saturday, August 4, 2007

The Headlight of the Oncoming Train

I can see a train coming, otherwise known as the 24-hour Stomach Bug. *sigh*

IM threw up on Friday morning shortly after breakfast, but kept lunch down and was fine the rest of the day. Michael optimistically declared that she must have eaten something funny. (What it was, since she'd eaten the same food as the rest of us, he didn't say.)

Michael left last night to drive to his writing retreat in Canada. They (he's carpooling with his cousin) got a late start last night because his passenger got caught up in bad traffic on her way to us. I got a call this morning saying that he was throwing up and could I please call the car company and add L as an authorized driver of the rental car?

So now I'm feeling a touch queer in the stomach and somewhat feverish, and I don't know if it's just psychosomatic or if I am in fact coming down with the bug. I'm operating on a sleep deficit because the guests were not nice to me last night--I couldn't shut down until 11 due to a lost guest calling repeatedly from the road, I had to kick the same guest out of the hot tub at midnight, and another group of guests were being noisy on the back deck and woke me up at 1:00. Plus, the convention group needed breakfast at 7:00.

I've been resting as much as I can--yes, the kids are watching too much TV--and trying to eat small amounts and keep well-hydrated. I'm trying to stay on top of dishes, laundry, etc., so we are in good shape if I'm out of it for a day or so. I hope if I do get sick, it doesn't happen during breakfast tomorrow. I'm really not sure EM is up to cooking for guests.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Oh dear, Minda, I so feel your pain. By all means, pop all kids in front of the TV, rest up, and stock up on the Pepto and bland foods!