Sunday, August 26, 2007

At least he asks...

LW, like his brothers, has a very large head.* A very large, hard head. And he likes to bonk heads. You'll be sitting on the couch, talking to him or singing a song with him, and next thing you know, he's pulled back and smashed his forehead into yours. Not my favorite sign of affection.

Today, while sitting on the couch, we had the following conversation.

LW (pointing to my head): Mommy head?
Me: Yes, that's Mommy's head.
LW (pointing to his head): Me, head?
Me: Yes, that's your head.
LW (hopefully): Bonk?

* IM, in contrast, has a normal-size head. When she and NB were babies, she looked almost microcephalic in comparison. I was relieved when I saw her with other children and realized that yes, her head is normal. Her brothers just have really big heads.

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