Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Ghosts Have Left the Building

Or so I was informed by one of the guests in room two. The ghosts were apparently in room three last night. Supposedly, they are the second owners of the inn and were here about 15 years. They have stuck around to help us, but did agree last night to leave if the guest they were talking to cleansed the inn of the negative energy. Which she was nice enough to do. So, we should be all nice and ghost-free now.

(Silly us, we thought we already were.)

What I didn't tell the guest was that we know quite a bit about the former owners of the inn, and there is really no one who matches that description (here about 15 years and now dead). Even if you say, here as a ghost for 15 years, it doesn't match.

We are the fifth owners of the inn. The first owners were the parents of the man who built the place. (He was very young, which explains a lot, and his parents are still alive, or were last summer when he dropped by to meet us.) Then there was a couple who sold it shortly after they moved in, because one of them had a health crisis. (They are the best bet for being dead, but I can't imagine they were here long enough to still be haunting the place 20+ years later.) Then there was a woman who got the inn in her divorce settlement but didn't really want it. (Husband apparently bought it for her without really consulting her. From what we've heard she hated it here, so again, I can't see her being too concerned about helping us.) Then there is the owner who sold it to us. She was here about 17 years (some of that time with her ex-husband), but she is still alive and well and cashing the checks we send her every month. (Her ex-husband died recently, but again, from what we heard, they got divorced largely because he was tired of running the inn and wanted to move, so I doubt he'd choose to hang out here.)

So, nope, no one really fits.

Just when I think the guests can't surprise me any more...

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