Sunday, May 18, 2008


There is nothing quite like the feeling of relief and accomplishment that comes from finally finishing an unpleasant task you have been putting off. Sadly I am all too familiar with this feeling.

Case in point: This week, I finally replaced the ceiling tiles in two rooms that were damaged by a leaky pipe in December. I had built the task up in my mind to take far longer than it actually did. Granted, it was unpleasant, but I accomplished it in about an hour. And although I enjoyed the feeling of crossing it off my list, that rush did not make up for the stress of dreading it for months.

On a list of things I would most like to change about myself, my tendency to procrastinate would definitely be in the top three. And yet . . . I continue to procrastinate stopping to procrastinate.


The Farrs said...

Boy, could I relate to procrastinating the replacement of ceiling tiles. I have had the same issue with several tiles downstairs for several years, and they still need to be replaced. However, it's not like YOU have nothing else to do! I cannot really use that excuse as I have more time on my hands than I've had for years :). Hey, I got to take some close-up pictures of the bluebirds at your mom and dad's this weekend! It was great!

Anonymous said...

I certainly can relate to those feelings. I have made some progress in that department over the years, to the point that sometimes I will tackle the most detested chore first just to have peace of mind. Notice, I said sometimes. I'm not perfect in that department yet.

OR Mom