Friday, May 23, 2008

New pet?

We have a tentative, as-yet-unnamed animal addition, a two-foot-long milk snake Michael brought back from a walk to the beaver pond earlier in the week. We have a cage, with a fake log for him to hide in and a water bowl. The cage sits on top of our dresser, and so far LW does not seem hell-bent on freeing him. The snake seems to have gotten over his initial scorn and eaten the frozen mouse we gave him.

So, we're cautiously optimistic. If he starts having feeding problems, we'll have to let him go, but we have located a source of live feeder mice, so we'll try that first.

Now for a name. IM has suggested the wildly original "Milky" but I'm not crazy about that. I thought something literary might be nice, but the only two I could come up with are Lucifer and Sir Hiss (the snake from Disney's cartoon Robin Hood). There's a snake in The Jungle Book too, whose name I can't remember, but he's also evil.

Any suggestions?


PixelFish said...

Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?

I will suggest Ignatius (if it's a boy) or Elaphe (if it's a girl). (These are two of the snakes in my most recent story.)

WendyandGabe said...

How about Severus Snake, (as opposed to Severus Snape.)

Minda said...

Severus Snake is a serious contender. It never hurts to tap into the Harry Potter craze. Unfortunately, the snake doesn't seem to be eating: he turned up his nose at both the second frozen pinky and the live mice. (The pet store said it was a fuzzy, Michael said it was a large hopper.)