Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Fiddleheads, anyone?

It's fiddlehead season here in the Valley.

Last week's edition of the local paper had an article on fiddleheads, complete with tips on selecting, cleaning, blanching, and storing them. There are also two recipes: Pasta with Fiddleheads, Fresh Vegetables and Pesto and Fiddleheads and Carrots Fines Herbes.

Michael pointed out that we have quite a crop of fiddleheads on the property right now. I've been doing a lot of reading about local eating.

And yet . . . maybe I'll save the fern eating for next year.

1 comment:

PixelFish said...

Hrm....sounds interesting. Provided I could ascertain there were no weird pesticides or anything on 'em, I'd be up for trying it once.