Saturday, May 10, 2008

Not done with the stomach bug yet

Last night was the Spring Follies at the school. It's a huge fund raiser for the sixth-grade field trip to Cape Cod. There is a dinner, a talent show, and a raffle.

I was on the dinner committee and spent several hours Tuesday afternoon making lasagna and marinara sauce at the school kitchen. Yesterday, I got to school at 3:00 and was busy preparing, serving, and cleaning up until the show started at 7:00. Two acts into the show, NB raced into the bathroom. Michael leaned over to whisper that NB had to throw up. NB said he felt fine, and didn't feel feverish, but by intermission, he'd done it a second time, so I sent Michael home with the three younger kids. (EM was in the last two acts and so couldn't leave early.)

We had one more incident to deal with shortly after I got home (it's really not a good idea to let a sick child sleep in the top bunk, even if he insists he feels better . . . ), but he seems fine this morning.

Anyone want to play Guess Who's Next? Michael has his vote on IM.


Jessica said...

Oh dear. I'm such a wimp with barfing. We also came home from our recent trip with a stomach bug. K threw up Saturday night, stayed home Monday, went back to school Tuesday, and then threw up again Wednesday morning. We kept her home two more days from school. No fun!

Minda said...

I'm sorry K was sick. I hope she's feeling better now.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you will be mothering on Mother's Day. I hope you and M don't come down with the bug too, and the kids will get over this quickly.

OR Mom

PixelFish said...

Oh, no....the dreaded bug. I hope it calms down soon.