Saturday, May 31, 2008


We have a guest eating breakfast in the front room, and I honestly don't know if it is a man or a woman. Michael went out to say hi, and he can't tell either.

It's really none of my business. And yet, I find it strangely disconcerting not to know.

Where's that gender-neutral pronoun when you need it?


PixelFish said...

Well, I think you can use "they" as gender neutral, but yeah, it does help to know which one they prefer. (I was explaining cisgendered versus transgendered to J the other day, because he had a coworker just switch and now they are a he and not a she.)

Himni said...

Happy birthday, M! Hopefully "King" M is letting you take a break from serving guests today.

Minda said...

Thanks. I had a nice day.