Wednesday, May 28, 2008


You know that saying about herding cats? I can top that. Hummingbirds are worse.

OK, so it was actually only one hummingbird, but he gave us quite a run for the money.

We woke up to find a hummingbird perched on a bundle of wire in our covered, screened-in porch. Thanks to Sammy and LW, we have large holes in the screens, but the birds who find their way in through the holes almost never find their way out through them. Usually, we just open the doors and wait for the birds to find those. But given how often hummingbirds need to eat, we were worried he wouldn't get out in time.

So we decided to help him find the door.

Easier said than done. It took both Michael and I, and we had to detangle him from the spider webs twice, but he finally flew out. Hopefully he'll recover from the stress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That should have brought back the memory of the time the bird got into our greenhouse while we were at church. I think trying to herd or capture a hummingbird would be lots harder!

OR Mom