Saturday, September 1, 2007


Last night I was just finishing up the breakfast prep and sitting down to read The Sparrow until it was time to close the office, when the front door creaked.

Oh, good, I thought. Our last room is checking in.

Sort of. It was someone here to check in, but not the person we were expecting. She claimed to have a confirmation number, which immediately raised flags because we don't give confirmation numbers. Turns out, she had filled out a reservation request online and somehow failed to notice the bold text saying, Your reservation is not confirmed until you have heard from us directly. She also didn't see the email we sent--she had indicated on the request that email was her preferred contact method--explaining that we had a three-night minimum for this weekend, and so were unable to book her a room for two nights. (We, fortunately, still had a copy of the email to show her.)

Thankfully, we were eventually able to find her a room that wasn't over a bar, that was in her budget, and that would take a toddler. I anticipate they will enjoy their stay at that B&B very much.

But dealing with the situation gave me quite an adrenaline rush and ate up all of my reading time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To her credit, she did calm down quite a bit when she started to realize that it was her fault and not ours. I can see why she'd be upset and stressed. I would have been, too.

Of course, I might have also read the TWO emails that she'd received telling her she didn't actually have a reservation. ;)
