Thursday, September 20, 2007

Some parenting decisions are just easy

Michael and I haven't always agreed on parenting issues.

Which movies/games/books should the kids be allowed to watch/play/read? Should one of us get up with the baby in the middle of the night? And if so, who? When are kids old enough to pick their own hair style and length? How cold does it have to get before we prohibit EM from wearing shorts to school? We have had energetic discussion on all of these topics.

Some decisions, though, are easy.

Michael is up running errands in the big city today and he called me from Wal*Mart. "Can we agree right now that when IM is old enough to wear a training bra, we will not allow her to get one that has 'Hottie' across the front?" Uhm . . . yeah. No real thought needed on that one.

If only it was always that simple.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The other one said "honey pot," which I found even more disturbing. Others were lacy/sexy looking things. What's worse is that I'm sure that Walmart has done it's market research and that people are buying these things for their 12 year old daughters.
