Saturday, September 29, 2007

What the kids are saying

Overheard last weekend as IM and NB were on the porch, making potions out of bubble solution, salt, and grass:
IM: Our potion is going to make us invisible. I am very good at making potions. NB--
NB: My name is Toby.
IM: No, NB, we're not playing pretend!

From the backseat, while I was driving through town:
LW: Mommy, 'lado [helado, Spanish for ice cream] mouth me yum yum. [Then, apparently thinking we had a translation problem because I wasn't pulling into the ice cream place.] Mommy, ice cream me mouth lick lick.

1 comment:

PixelFish said...

I used to make potions in the spring with mud and crabapple blossoms and unfurled buds and sticks and whatever I can get my hands on. If I and N's potion works better, get the recipe.