Thursday, June 7, 2007


Today at playgroup, I met a woman who has 20-month-old twin boys. She seemed surprised I didn't belong to--and in fact had never heard of--the local group for moms of twins. I was surprised to realize that I almost think of myself as having had twins but not having twins now.

When IM and NB were little, the mere fact that there were two of them--two newborns, both wanting to nurse; two infants, attempting to pull each others' ears off; two toddlers, running away from me in opposite directions; two two-year-olds, both wanting to control everything in their environment, including the other two-year-old--defined my existence. Who was I? I was the mother of twins.

Now that they are seven, the fact that they were born five minutes apart seems trivial. The fact that I am the mother of four kids ("Four? You have four kids?") seems much more significant.

I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that.

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