Friday, June 15, 2007

Cooked Radishes

Our first CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) pickup was Wednesday. Given the sieve my mind has become lately, I had completely forgotten about it. Fortunately, I pass the farm on my way to my weekly Spanish class, so I was able to swing by and pick up my produce as if I had been planning on it all along.

They warned us that our first few pickups would be small. This week we got a bag of mesclun (given that Michael's lettuce--a new crop for us--is growing really well, I see a lot of salad in our future this summer), some green garlic, and radishes. The white board at the farm suggested sauteeing the radishes in butter, so I decided to try it last night. (Thursday is the only night of the week I know I'll cook dinner, because Michael is gone at his French class.)

Cooked radishes are actually not bad. The bite cooks out of them, and they end up tasting more like zucchini than anything else.

NB, predictably, didn't like them, but IM and EM had seconds.

NB has become a very picky eater, even more so than the other kids. I borrowed an idea from my sister and instituted a Don't Have to Eat list. Three foods, max. And you can't change the list until after the current meal. Since we've never had them before, cooked radishes weren't on the list, so he was stuck. So far, he hasn't changed his list (ravioli, dinner sausage, mashed potatoes), but he did ask if he could ask what the meals were for the week and adjust his list accordingly.

(For those who are curious, IM's list (named "ik-list") only has two items--ravioli and lasagna. And this is my girl who loves Rome.

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