Monday, June 11, 2007

First Goal of Summer

Summer hasn't even officially arrived and I've checked off one of my goals; we ate at a particular local restaurant last Saturday. It's a popular restaurant that is only open on weekends--which makes it a little tricky for innkeepers to patronize. However, early June is often a quieter time at the inn, and our guests this weekend were few in number and easy-going, so it seemed as good a time as any to take off for an hour or so.

As it turned out, we didn't have to close the office after all. Michael stayed home with IM to allow her to feel the natural consequences of a bad attitude and smart mouth when asked to get ready to go.

The boys and I had a delightful time. We chose to sit outdoors, at one of the shaded picnic tables around the fire pit. Just over the low fence was an open field with a soccer ball and a few frisbees, where kids could burn off excess energy while still staying within sight of their parents.

EM was feeling adventurous, so he ordered the pizza with bacon and broccolirabe (among other things) while NB played it safe and chose a cheese and herb pizza. I had a organic salad to start and then ate some of the boys' pizzas. LW actually ate, which isn't a given at this age. (He seems to have one good meal every other day or so.)

It was a sunny evening with a light breeze. All I could see from where I sat was the farm attached to the restuarant, the field where the kids were playing, and the tree-covered mountain slopes. For the moment, I couldn't imagine living anywhere else.

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