Several bloggers are participating in
Seasonal Soundings' Summer Reading Challenge. I was going to make my own reading list, but I realized I am in the middle of far, far too many books already.
To whit:
In the Beginning: The Story of the King James Bible--This is interesting, but a bit dry. I've been reading it on Sundays since January, and I'm just past the half-way point.
La Belle France: A Short History--I was supposed to read this before we went to France. Hah. I'm pitifully close to the beginning. It has long sentences that aren't conducive to reading while keeping an eye on a toddler. And once the toddler is in bed, I need a book with a bit more zip in it to keep me awake. It contains a lot of details about various torturings and scandals. Some of the torture methods make me slightly sick, but they don't keep me awake.
Tale of Two Cities--I'm reading this aloud to EM because he'll be studying it during a week-long class this summer.
Ginger Pye--This is our current Mom-and-big-kids read aloud. We mostly read at the bus stop. It's not my favorite.
A Darkness More Than Night--I started reading this on vacation in France, and then lost it when I got home. I found it yesterday when I was attempting to restore order to the bookshelves. (By "order" I don't mean organized by author or anything ambitious like that. I mean replacing the missing shelf pins so the shelves don't tip and standing the books up so I can read the spines. LW helped me by dusting the books. Which was nice, considering he is largely the reason I had to work on the shelves.) Michael said this one was interesting, but after almost of month of not touching it, I'm struggling to remember what it is about--or where I stopped reading.
Princes of Ireland--I'm reading this because one of these days I really will take that trip to Ireland. Honest. In the meantime, I need to find this book so I can finish it. I think I last saw it upstairs....
The Cloister Walk--Given all the books above, I don't know what possessed me to bring this home from the library. I guess I'd passed it over enough. I'm enjoying this quite a bit, although I just started it Tuesday. It makes me think and yet I can read it with one eye on the kids. This has become my book of choice for our river time. (Speaking of river time, Michael bought me a nice, comfy, reclining chair to use down at the river. Very nice.)
I also have a couple of parenting books that I have checked out from the library. Not sure when I thought I was going to read them.
So, my summer reading goal is to finish all of the above--and read the new Harry Potter book.