Saturday, February 27, 2010

Vie de France

Subtitled Sharing Food, Friendship, and a Kitchen in the Loire Valley, this book is essentially food porn.

The author, a former chef, spent a month in France with a group of friends, doing some sightseeing and a lot of cooking and eating. This book is a meal-by-meal description of the month. I salivated over every page. It was all I could do not to grab my passport and head for the airport.

And since Michael told me he'd like me to do some of the cooking in France, it was good to start thinking of shopping and cooking in a foreign country. Michael's a great fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants chef (his chicken noodle soup last night was divine), but I tend to be overly reliant on recipes and not very flexible. Two months of mental preparation is about right.

One funny note: I checked this book out from the library, and emblazoned across the front and back cover, it says, "Uncorrected Proofs for Limited Distribution. NOT FOR SALE."

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