Monday, February 8, 2010

Fun with the Girl Scout health history form

IM is joining the Girl Scouts. She's thrilled. She's wanted to join since kindergarten, but until last week, there wasn't a troop close enough to be feasible and she does not have the sort of mom willing to organize a troop.

So tonight I filled out the registration form and the Girl Health History Record. I'm generally pretty exact about forms like this. I answer all the questions, providing a titch too much information.

Not this form.

Since last health exam, has participant had
  • a serious injury requiring medical attention? (If you receive medical attention, doesn't that become your last health exam?)
  • any prescribed or over-the-counter meds? (Really? They really want to know that I gave her Tylenol for a fever in October and decongestant flying back from Oregon in August?)
  • a surgical operation or fracture? (See earlier comment on medical attention)
  • treatment in hospital or emergency room? (Ditto)
  • any exposure to a contagious disease? (Nope. Not my child. She hasn't been exposed to the cold or flu since July. What? You don't believe me?)

And then there's the section on Other Health Conditions. These are all over the map, from wearing glasses to nosebleeds to fainting to immune disease. But the kicker is "Emotional Disturbances." They do realize they're talking about ten-year-old girls, right?

But I was good. I told them about her glasses and heart murmur and kept all snarky comments to myself, Michael, and all of you.


Jessica said...

Oh, I HATE filling out any form from the Girl Scouts!! Especially those damn vaccine forms required here for all activities -- you are not allowed to staple a copy of your child's record, you have to fill out each and every vaccine date in the proper slot on the form. Really, who has the time?

Some the forms also want to know, for a simple three-hour trip to the horse farm one afternoon, if my child is a bed wetter. Do they really need that info for an afternoon field trip? Really?

Anonymous said...

Ummm, that emotional disturbance category actually serves a purpose for some....

PixelFish said...

Ugh. Do they also provide a privacy contract with all that information they are demanding to know?

I actually do see a reason for asking for much of this information, but I'd be more concerned about who has access to it, and what safeguards are in place to deal with information leaks. The information should be available--not to limit GSA's liability, but to keep IM safe. But there should be some kind of guarantee that the information can't be used for certain things.

WendyandGabe said...

I like that you are a "Snarky comment" mom and not the organizing the troops mom. :)