Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Thoughts on toe tapping

Our middle school has an excellent music program. I actually enjoy listening to the middle school band.

And yet . . .

It's a very different music program than I participated in during middle school and high school.

Someone--I believe it was Mr. Vicks, my orchestra teacher for fifth through eighth grades--drilled into us that there was no need to ever tap your shoe while playing. If you absolutely couldn't hold the beat internally, you could tap your toes inside your shoe. But the sole of your shoe should stay firmly planted on the floor at all times.

This is obviously not a belief shared by EM's band teachers.

Although I recognize that many of the rules that seemed inviolate to me as a teenager are not that important in the grand scheme of things, I must confess that a part of me spends the middle school concerts wishing I had a nail gun to drill the tapping shoes to the floor.

Just the tippy toes. I promise not to hit the feet.

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