Tuesday, February 2, 2010

An update on my "dentally delayed" son

I took EM to his third pre-braces consult with the orthodontist recommended by his dentist.

Of the five baby teeth he had in August, he'd only lost one. The orthodontist pulled two more in the process of wiggling them to see how loose they were. (EM was supposed to be wiggling these regularly, but it turns out he had grown confused about which ones he was supposed to be wiggling.)

The plan is to have the remaining two teeth pulled by the dentist asap. (Fortunately, they are in the same quadrant, so he'll only need one set of numbing shots.) Then we'll give his adult teeth some time to grow in and he'll go back to the orthodontist in May.

With any luck, he'll be in braces and headgear by June.

In the meantime, having seen the estimated bill, we're seeking a second opinion and estimate.


Unknown said...

we're possibly on this same route with Aaron. He's 10 and a half and one of his front teeth has still to grow in.

Unknown said...

Oh also he's had to have half of the ones he's lost pulled.

Minda said...

The funny thing about EM is that in every other way he's developed early. He's been taller than me for a while now. His voice sounds like Michael's. It's just his teeth that won't get with the program.

Pat B said...

I continue to be amazed at the endless possibilities of differences among people. . .looks, development, interests, emotional makeup, etc.

I don't know of any "dentally delayed" people in the immediate family. Maybe it isn't a bad thing to have the delay. . .more time for the mouth to grow and make room for those permanent teeth:)

teri said...

At least the orthodontist waited this long before deciding to pull the rest! Avery's ortho insisted we have the dentist pull her last SEVEN baby teeth. Grr. My kids are all dentally delayed--they were slow to grow the teeth in the first place, and now they're slow to lose them. I will NOT be talked into braces so early (i.e. when they still have a mouth full of baby teeth) with the other two kids.