Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Summer reading list

Since I've already finished one book on my summer reading list, I figured I should post the list. Here are the books I'm planning to read before the end of September:
  • Say Goodbye--This is my friend Lisa's latest, due out this summer. Her books are always a suspenseful read.
  • Living the Sabbath: Discovering the Rythms of Rest and Delight--This one was recommended by an online acquaintance. It's part of the Christian Practice of Everyday Life series.
  • Les Miserables--I'm slowly trying to work my way through the very long list of classics I've never read. This is definitely a book I should buy, as I see it taking me a long time to read.
  • Breaking Dawn--The final book in a delightfully fluffy YA vampire series. It's being released at the beginning of August, and I plan on saving it for the weekend Michael is in Toronto and the kids are in Massachusetts on vacation with Michael's parents.
  • Endless Forms Most Beautiful: The New Science of Evo Devo--Another attempt to broaden my science reading. I'm expecting this to be an easier read than Six Easy Pieces, because my biology background is more robust than my (pretty much non-existent) physics background. This is another recommendation from an online acquaintance.
  • The Book Thief--This is a YA novel that I've seen recommended several places. EM didn't like it, but I think I will. (Maybe because everyone who has recommended it to me has also been an adult woman.) It's set in WWII-era Germany.
  • Animal, Vegetable, Miracle--This is a birthday gift from Michael's parents, and I'm looking forward to it. I'm very interested in the issue of locally grown food and healthy eating, so I think this will be an enjoyable read that will reinforce those opinions. And hopefully motivate me to act more in keeping with my beliefs.
  • A Thousand Splended Suns--Another birthday gift from Michael's parents. I was hesitant about this book, because I feared it would be too depressing, but I finished it last night and really enjoyed it. True, it's depressing at times. And I got very, very angry at some of the characters and situations. But it really expanded my knowledge of Afghan history in my lifetime, and the ending was positive enough that it didn't send me into a funk. I am very glad I received it.
  • The Untold Story of the New Testament Church--This is a holdover from the spring list, as I expected it to be. I'm reading it in conjunction with Acts and the epistles, so I anticipate it taking me a while to finish.

In the middle of writing this post, I just received a $50 Amazon gift certificate from work, and I know just how to spend it!


Jessica said...

Hmmm, I'll have to check some of those out. Hope this doesn't ruin it for you (sometimes when people rave, things don't live up to expectations), but A Thousand Splendid Suns is one of my all-time favorites.

Minda said...

I finished reading A Thousand Splendid Suns, and I really enjoyed it. I'm trying to decide if I want to read The Kite Runner. Have you read that?

WendyandGabe said...

What an ambitious reading list for such a busy person. I think you'll just love "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle." It made me think differently about the importance of eating locally. It's deffinately a good summer read when you are surrounded by the abundance of the season.

Jessica said...

I have not read Kite Runner. I saw the movie, though, and LOVED it, so I'm not sure I want to read the book, as one might ruin the other. I have been horrible about reading this year. How do you do it with 4 kids, a job, an inn, AND a CSA? Hello, supermom?

I've got to call you. I have an inn story to share. "The crazy things innkeepers say and do"?

Jessica said...

Oh, I'm interested in your Sabbath book, you'll have to return and report! :-)

Minda said...

I'd love to hear your innkeeper story.

Setting reading goals has made a huge difference in my reading. I realized a couple of years ago that I really wasn't reading much anymore, despite considering myself a reader. Having a specific goal was the push I needed.

To be honest, I've found that my reading time comes mostly at the expense of TV watching and surfing. Scary that I had that much dead time.