Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mosquito banquet

Mosquitoes love me. I currently have 26 bites. Michael has 2 or 3.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dad used to use Avon's Skin So Soft. For some reason, the mosquitos don't like it. I did a little research on preventing mosquito bites. Here are just a few ideas I read. Avoid eating bananas when it is "mosquito season." Take an enteric coated garlic pill each day. (These won't give you garlic breath.) Carry a Bounce sheet in your pocket, or tie it to a belt loop. I've also read taking Vitamin B1, or Vitamin E is supposed to help. Avoid wearing perfumed products and dark clothing. Of course keeping covered up is a given and staying away from standing water.

Twenty-six bites sounds absolutely miserable. I'm sorry. OR Mom