Monday, December 31, 2007

Reading list for Winter 2008

It is tough to be realistic about how much I will read in the next three months, especially when there are so many books I want to read! But after much agonizing, I have come up with the following list:

Rebels of Ireland--Alert readers will recognize this from the Fall list. I was about halfway through it when I got derailed by Stephenie Meyer's vampire books. And then company. And then Christmas. Time to dust it off (literally) and finish it.

How the Irish Saved Civilization--Also from the Fall list. See excuses above.

The Last Week: What the Gospels Really Teach About Jesus's Last Week in Jerusalem--This is by the same authors as The First Christmas, and I am looking forward to reading it during Lent. I also want to read the four Gospels between now and Easter.

The Golden Compass--EM really enjoyed the trilogy that starts with this book. And I'm always interested in a book that gets people up in arms.

Twelfth Night--It's been a while since I've read any Shakespeare, and this is one I have never read or seen. Reading it before Epiphany would be ideal, but I don't think that's going to happen.

Cocaine Blues--This is the first book in a series of mysteries I've been hearing a lot about lately. And every book list needs something lighter.

Michael took the older kids out skiing, LW is down for his nap, the guests are all out and about, so I think I'll settle in on the couch with a book right now.

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