Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Me drink juice. Me naughty!

Yesterday I had to step outside for a bit to listen to Michael and the plumber explain their theory on the septic system. I left LW inside eating a pretzel to which he had helped himself while I was on the phone taking a reservation.

We returned to the house to find him finishing off a juice box, one my brother's family didn't finish while they were here and nicely left for us. We don't usually have juice boxes, and we've been doling them out for field trips and special occasions. To the best of my knowledge, the juice box was in the fridge. LW appears to have opened the fridge, unwrapped the straw from the plastic wrap, and stuck it through the little hole on the top of the box. I know able-bodied adults who can't manage that. But my two-year-old can do it unassisted.

He looked up at us, grinned cheekily, and said, "Me drink juice. Me naughty!"

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