Saturday, December 8, 2007

Home Sweet Home

I arrived back home yesterday afternoon after five days in Waltham for work. It's always a little shocking to adjust to the energy level of a small home with four kids after I've been away for a few days. Life in Waltham is very calm and quiet. During the day, I interact with developers and fellow technical writers, both groups not known for their exuberance. In the evening, I eat a quiet dinner while reading or working on the day's Sudoku and then spend the evening reading or watching TV in my very nice hotel room. Other than working at my writing job (which I love) and taking care of myself, I have nothing else I have to do. No bills to pay. No housework. No errands. No schedules to manage. It's extremely relaxing.

But I miss Michael and the kiddos and it's nice to come home to hugs and kisses and snuggles on the couch. LW has already introduced me to his new favorite book. NB shared a new fact he learned about marsupials. IM told me about the field trip that got rescheduled due to their snow day last week. And EM reported on the culmination of a project he's been working on at school.

After we got the kids to bed, Michael and I lay in the dark and talked and talked and talked. It's amazing to me how much we have to say after only five days apart, especially since we talked on the phone every day I was gone.

It's good to be home.

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