Saturday, April 12, 2008

I am a hypocrite

I've always shaken my head at people who tell their kids to obey safety rules they disregard themselves. Like wearing a seat belt. Or a ski helmet. But as I was forced to admit to EM tonight, I am a hypocrite too.

I eat cookie dough. Raw.

But I don't let the kids touch the stuff.

Michael's mom's tale of her friend who got salmonella (although not from cookie dough) impressed me enough to protect the kids, but for me, personally, I think the risk is too small to give up one of life's great treats.

It's not often I get to feel virtuous for not sharing. EM protests every time, but I tell him when he is on his own (and preferably not on my insurance) he can take risks with cookie dough. In the meantime, I would feel too bad if he got salmonella on my watch.


Anonymous said...

I'll have to try that excuse - leaves more for me!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure when people began to get scared about eating food with raw eggs. I remember fixing some kind of a slush drink that had raw eggs in it. And I know we ate raw cookie dough. Somewhere along the line, it became unsafe. It seems so many things have become unsafe. It is a miracle that many of us older folks have lived to the ages we are! I can certainly relate to wanting to not be the cause of having a child become ill, and that is why once hearing the illnesses some people got from eating raw eggs, I stopped the practice.

OR Mom

Michael Carr - Veritas Literary said...

As the guy who has to worry about those same kids, plus you, I will also note that you sneak the cookie dough when I'm not around to scold you for it. :)

Anonymous said...

I finally made it to your blogspot! I only lost the address a couple of times, and then our computer crashed. I called your mom and got it again :). You are talking about one of my favorite things in the world. I never tried to keep my kids from eating fact I've probably set the worst example. My next favorite thing to eat raw is homemade biscuit dough...weird, huh!

The Farrs said...

O.K. I didn't know the last comment was going to post "anonymous" so I thought I'd let you know that it was from Becky :).

Minda said...

I like biscuit dough too. And pie crust dough. But I have to share those with the kids because they don't have egg in them. (Good to see you here.)

PixelFish said...

I love raw cookie dough. I occasionally buy a tube of the Nestle's dough and munch on it for several days.