Sunday, April 6, 2008

30-Hour Famine

EM participated in the 30-Hour Famine this weekend with the church youth group. It's an annual event sponsored by WorldVision. The moto for this year is Be Seen. Be Heard. Be Hungry.

Over the last several weeks, EM has learned about the problem of world hunger, spoken to two congregations about the 30-Hour Famine, collected money, and helped at the Salvation Army soup kitchen. This weekend, he went 30 hours without food, from lunch on Friday to dinner on Saturday. He was allowed clear liquids and gum. The kids and their leaders gathered Friday evening for activities centered around world hunger, and spent the night in the Town Hall. The kids went home for the day on Saturday, and then gathered at the church Saturday evening for communion, closing ceremonies, and a potluck dinner of their favorite food.

It's not uncommon for kids to not make it the entire 30 hours, but EM did and I was very proud of him. The youth group leaders mentioned his insightful comments during group activities, and I think his compassion for others has grown this weekend.


Michael Carr - Veritas Literary said...

If only that compassion extended to his younger brother and sister.

Jessica said...

That is really, really cool. Yay for EM (and your church)!