Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Costume woes

The school newsletter came home yesterday. The third announcement down reminded us of the dance performance this Wednesday, the culmination of the artist-in-residence program. This has been on the calendar for a few weeks. No surprise there.

And then this innocuous-looking paragraph:

Children are asked to wear the following "costumes" to school that night (please borrow if necessary--do not buy anything!)

It's a good thing they don't want me to buy anything, because the selection of children's clothing in the valley is limited, and I don't have time for a shopping trip between now and Wednesday.

IM needs to "wear sunny colors, anything yellow, orange, peach and/or coral."

NB needs to "wear anything beige, khaki, and/or white."

EM needs to "wear anything black."

So I spent yesterday afternoon digging through the kids' clothes and the hand-me-downs in the basement looking for appropriate clothing. IM is fine, and EM is ok, but NB is having to settle for khaki shorts (!) and a black shirt. Sorry, bud.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brrr! I'm assuming that your Spring weather is much colder than it is here. It is way too cold for shorts yet here. Maybe he could just change into his costume when he gets there.

OR Mom