Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Books, books, books

Here is the run-down on October's reading.

Pope Joan
This is a novel based on the life of Pope Joan, who legend has it was pope in the 9th century. It's a well-written novel, with interesting insight into life in medieval France and Italy, especially in monasteries and the Vatican, and a strong female character (obviously). In the back of the book, the author includes a chapter on the evidence for and against Pope Joan's existence. My mother-in-law introduced me to this book. Thanks, Mom.

This is a quick read about a single woman who is bequeathed a vacation to an English manor where everyone pretends they are in a Jane Austen novel. The book is entertaining, but there is nothing here to dwell on.

Becoming Jane Austen
I bought this book after seeing the movie in the theater because I was intrigued by how much evidence there was to support the assertion that Jane and Thomas LeFroy had a serious relationship. The author does a good job of supporting his claim. I thought he gave too much weight to the fact that all of Austen's novels include characters who share names with characters in Tom Jones (Thomas LeFroy's favorite book). But I do think he did a good job showing how Austen's letters and the rememberances of relatives of both Austen and LeFroy point to a relationship.

In addition to answering that question, the book provides an interesting look at how Austen's novels reflect situations in her own life and the lives of her friends and relatives and at how her publishing career developed.

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