Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sunday Soup

For Christmas, Michael followed my extremely detailed hint (can sending an Amazon link via ICQ count as a hint?) and bought me Sunday Soup.

I'd seen it in a local store around Thanksgiving and fell in love with the idea. One soup recipe for every week of the year, divided by seasons. Since I love soup, cook dinner on Sundays, and aspire to eat more food in season, this book seemed like a great fit. I've decided to cook my way through the book this year.

According to the author, Winter starts in December and lasts three months, but since March feels nothing like spring around here, I've decided to cook the winter soups in January, February, and March and push the other seasons back one month each.

Today I made White Bean Soup with Chorizo and Kale with Arugula Salad Tossed with Olive Oil and Lemon on the side. (Yes, the book even recommends side dishes and provides recipes.)

Overall, I'd give this soup two thumbs up. NB wasn't thrilled, but he's my pickiest normal eater. EM and IM both had seconds.

1 comment:

dc said...

Be sure to list your soups each week so I can ask for the recipes of the ones that sound good to me. :) I love soup as well, but big W is not as fond of soup so I can't serve it too often. You can skip this one. I do make a simple white bean, ham and onion one he seems to like. Got some in the freezer from last month. Maybe I'll serve it tonight!