Saturday, May 23, 2009


The kids and I spent the day at a gathering of the Society for Creative Anachronism. EM spent several hours at the youth combat arena. He's been itching to fight since he watched some adults back in November, but this is the first time he was able to suit up. He ended up winning his division, but as he pointed out, this might have something to do with being the oldest in his age group and the tallest by several inches.

Here he is in one of his first fights. (His opponents did get taller than this.)

NB spent some time in combat as well.

We ended the day on the archery range. All three of the big kids did well. EM especially impressed the instructor, but all of us hit the target at least once. EM and IM are both left-eye dominant, and so shoot with their left hands.

LW was disappointed that he is too young to fight or shoot. He consoled himself with turning a wooden stick from a children's game into a spear.

As we left, all the kids were trying to convince me to make the hour-and-a-half drive back for the fun tomorrow. "But they're having a woods fight! And a dragon hunt! Pleeease?"


Jessica said...

Call me a nerd, but I would be SO into that stuff. There was a really elaborate Renaissance Festival in NY -- with permanent buildings -- that we loved going to.

PixelFish said...
