Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I did it

Ever since I've had kids, it seems I spend Christmas Eve in a tizzy. There was the year I stayed up late trying to assemble EM's tricycle without waking him up. There was the year I spent Christmas Eve driving to Wal-Mart in nasty weather to buy a replacement TV for one that went out in a guest room. There have been last-minute trips to the grocery store for stocking stuffers. And almost always, there are presents to wrap after the kids go to bed.

This year, I finally managed to get everything done before December 24.

I did pick up a few things for Michael's stocking while EM was practicing reading into the microphone at church. (He read Psalm 98 at tonight's service.) And I wrapped the last five presents this afternoon. But it was all very relaxed.

I read to LW. I played Settlers with the older kids. I started an online game of Scrabble with my sister.

Since we got back from the Christmas Eve service, I've been relaxing on the couch, looking at the lights. In a few minutes, I'll finish the last bit of kitchen cleanup and help Michael bring out the presents.

Next year will probably be back to the usual chaos, but I thought I'd appreciate the rare year when it's peaceful.

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