Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Summer recap

The big kids start back to school tomorrow. Once again, I come to the end of the summer and wish we had played more at the river and eaten more s'mores.

So what did we do?

EM grew, mostly. My official position is that he is not yet as tall as I am. But just between you and me, I'll admit that an objective observer might not agree. He requested a lazy summer with lots of time playing with Sammy in the woods, and that's what he got.

NB spent a lot of time playing with LW. He is great at amusing LW, and LW loves playing with him. Unfortunately, they mostly love to play run and chase games. And they both have their volume switch set permanently on Loud.

IM read all the Warriors books she could get her hands on. Multiple times. And she started Oliver! rehearsals.

But LW has changed the most. He is now completely out of diapers, although his pull-ups do not always stay dry and clean. He has given up (OK, Michael would say he has been robbed of) his naptime and bedtime bottles. And we even took the railing off his bed this week. Don't worry, he still has those kissable chubby cheeks.

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