Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday morning comic relief

My contribution to my congregation is bringing the comic relief. Said relief comes in a blond-haired, blue-eyed, chubby-cheeked package.

Last week, he made the congregation laugh by clapping when it was announced that our minister would be back in the pulpit this Sunday. (She had emergency eye surgery and was out of commission for a week.)

Today, he cracked everyone up by earnestly nodding his head during the entire children's message, occasionally repeating the end of the minister's sentences. The children join the minister on the steps of the chancel for the children's message, and LW always insists on sitting front and center, right next to the minister, so everyone in the congregation has a great view of him.

There's no way to explain to a two-year-old that he is drawing attention to himself by being too interested in the church service, so I'll have to resign myself to my role as parent of the scene-stealer.

1 comment:

WendyandGabe said...

How cute! I wish I could have seen this. L does have a darling personality.