Sunday, July 13, 2008

Problems you didn't know you had

We received an email this week that began:

It is with a heavy heart that I write you this e-mail.

All sorts of scenarios went through my head, but the problem was something I had not even guessed at. It turns out our river has rock snot, an invasive form of algae. There are no known methods of eradicating it. The only thing we can do is prevent its spread upstream and into the tributaries, and hope our river will be one of the many in which the rock snot does not form mats.

We are downstream of the confirmed bloomed. This means we should shower before playing in another body of water after playing in the river. They have not yet determined whether or not it is present in the brook as well. Given that the brook joins the river on our property, I'm not sure if I need to prevent the kids from playing in the brook and the river on the same day.

I find myself strangely depressed about the whole thing.

1 comment:

Michael Carr - Veritas Literary said...

There's no stopping it by showering or any other means. If they couldn't stop it from spreading river to river, they certainly won't keep it from migrating downriver.