Sunday, January 20, 2008

Hot tub junkies

I should preface this by saying that our crowd this weekend is by and large a pretty good group. Everyone seems cheerful. All five of the groups that arrived after hours on Friday had called ahead to let us know they were going to be late, and they were apparently relatively quiet about getting settled in.

But they do love the hot tub.

Last night, between five and ten, I kicked four separate groups out of the hot tub. One of them twice. What no one seemed to grasp, even as they were asking me if I could turn up the temperature, is that when a outdoor hot tub cover is open on a January evening in Northern New England, the water eventually starts to cool down. In order for it to warm up again, the cover needs to stay closed for a while. Hence the request that each group limit their stay to 20 minutes.

They were generally cheerful about getting out, although one guy did try to argue that since no one was actually standing there waiting to get in, no one would mind if they stayed. And another, a non-native English speaker, thought I wanted to use the hot tub myself and suggested that I could enjoy it with him and his friends.

Michael and I went to bed discussing the possibility of a hot tub that drains automatically 20 minutes after the cover is opened.

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