Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A day on the slopes

Michael and I went skiing this morning, leaving LW in the mountain's day care. He had fun playing with the other kids, but was a bit disappointed he couldn't go skiing. After watching some skiers jump on the slope outside the day care center, he was adamant, "Me jump too!"

I am not nearly so ambitious. This was my first time out this season, and my skiing was pretty rusty. I prefer to ski the same terrain over and over until I feel comfortable on it. Michael, who takes a different approach to learning, like to encourage me to try different terrain. Usually this works out fine, but every once in a while it goes bad.

One run today led us to an area that had been scraped pretty thin and was also at the edge of my steepness comfort level. (This is not hard to reach.) I'm still not exactly sure what happened, but next thing I knew, I was in the middle of a yard sale*, sliding backwards down the hill. I even managed to take Michael out with me, although he kept both his skis on.

Yes, I still have a way to go. Thankfully, neither of us were hurt. It was fun to spend time with Michael and have him point out the runs and woods the kids like to ski with him. They have coined their own names for many of the runs. I was encouraged to discover that my fear of the lifts has abated quite a bit. And once my muscles started remembering how to ski, it was actually kind of fun.

* For the non-skiers, a yard sale is a fall that results in your skis and poles being laid out on the ground as they would be in a yard sale.

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