Saturday, July 7, 2007

Not quite ready for Dickens

So, EM and I have abandoned our quest to finish A Tale of Two Cities before his class starts on Monday. We will be watching the movie this afternoon during LW's nap.

Two things have surprised me about the book: how much I'm enjoying it and how little EM is. I haven't read Dickens in years, not since middle school, and I've never read A Tale of Two Cities, although of course I'm familiar with the opening and closing lines. I do remember the long, long sentences. I've quoted the opening line many times, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" and I had a vague sense that there was more to the sentence, but I didn't realize that there was so much more. The first sentence has 119 words (give or take a few to allow for counting errors). The book definitely isn't paced for a modern audience, but I'm enjoying it immensely nevertheless.

EM, on the other hand, can barely keep his eyes open when I read it. He's getting better at following the plot, but there are still times when I'll read for a bit and then ask him what's happening, and he has no idea. Or he has a wrong idea.

I'm hoping he'll enjoy the movie more, although it was made in 1935 and it's black and white, so it will be a change from his usual viewing habits. It'll be a change for me, too. I must confess, I far prefer my movies in color and preferably no more than 15 years old. Yes, I'm plebian.

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