Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What the kids are saying

The Vacation Bible School teacher asked the kids how they felt when their mom or dad did something nice for them. (The answer the teacher was looking for was "I feel loved.") IM waved her hand wildly: "Surprised!"

LW, upon being told by NB that he was a baby: "No, I a big kid! I watch Youtube."


PixelFish said...

LW's comment is priceless.

WendyandGabe said...

I just love the posts about the kids. Oh, how I miss them!

Jessica said...

Random comment, having nothing to do with this post, but your sidebar:

Read Breaking Dawn yet? I'm interested to hear your take....

Minda said...

Jessica, I read it over the weekend. In a word? Eh.

It's my least favorite of the four books. I didn't enjoy having so much of the book be from Jacob's POV, and much of the plot sounded like it came straight from poorly written fanfic.

Have you read it?

Anonymous said...

"Surprised!" I love it! Every time I read that (which has been more than a few times since you've been MIA) it makes me laugh.