Saturday, March 13, 2010


It's been a surprisingly stressful past few days.

Work needs me to spend a week in Waltham before we go on vacation, and once I factored in Michael's trip to Costa Rica, Passover (my boss is Jewish), and various kids' events, this coming week looked to be the best week. So I arranged my meetings and lined up my hotel room and rental car.

And then the floodgates opened. I am feeling decidedly guilty at the week Michael is going to have, and telling myself that the inn was his idea and we have two employees who can help him with breakfast is not making me feel better. Of course, by the time I realized how awful it was going to be, it was too late to change my trip.

We've also been trying to wrap up some financial matters before I go (corporate tax paperwork due Monday and a loan refinance). So we've both been corresponding with our attorney and loan officer (old and new) and the accountant. The loan officer was nice enough to stop by the inn yesterday, so we could sign papers with LW napped.

So far, today's schedule has looked like this:

5:30 Wake up and start prepping for an early breakfast (racers today and tomorrow)
6:30--9:30 Breakfast
9:40 Take the kids to swimming lessons
11:20 Back from swimming
12:40 Take IM to ski resort to sell Girl Scout cookies at the booth
2:20 Get back from cookie selling and have Michael drop me off to pick up rental car. (Garage is closed on Sunday.) Pick up tax forms.
3:00 Michael leaves for Costco. I deal with guests.

I still need to do laundry so I can pack, but at this point I need to wait until the guests have all showered and left for dinner.

It doesn't help that our streak of low-maintenance guests seems to have come to an abrupt end, right at the end of the season when our cheer is at its lowest.

I'm currently trying to reach a guest room to tell them that I've had complaints about their middle of the night party last night and there can't be a repeat tonight. This is not the room someone complained about at 10:30 last night. Michael called them then, and as far as we know they settled down.

Ironically, when our housekeeper went in this morning to clean the room of the complainer (who was quite angry), she reported that he's been smoking pot in the room. I thought pot was supposed to mellow people out?


PixelFish said...

Some folks get harsher. John's stepdad was apparently one of those.

dcc said...

I hadn't heard of PixelFish's scenario before. Or maybe it was the Red Bull on top of the pot! Just read M's blog. What a week you guys have had!! The most shocking was a fellow inn owner's abuse! Oddly enough, whenever I tell people you have an inn, most of them become rather nostalgic and think what a wonderful life it would be! (All except LCC who can't imagine why anyone would want to own an inn. You ought to compare stories of the good old days at Ruby's Inn.)