Thursday, January 1, 2009

We do have 24-hour TV stations

Guest on the phone last night, sometime between 10:30 and midnight: Hi. Does the TV stay on later because it's New Year's Eve?

Me (desperately trying to wake up): I'm sorry, what was that?

Guest: The TV. Does it stay on later because of New Year's Eve?

Me (wondering what decade I'm in): The TV pretty much stays on all the time. Twenty-four hours a day.

Guest: It does? Oh. Good.

Usually we have the opposite problem--guests who assume we have complete cell phone coverage and 24-hour diners. As I was trying to fall back asleep, it occurred to me that this guest probably checked in the night before, when we lost power for a few minutes around 10 at night. Maybe she didn't realize we lost power and assumed the TV shut down because it was 10?

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