Tuesday, February 12, 2008

World record holder

Is there a Guiness Book of World Records category for "Most Consecutive Readings of Richard Scarry's Busiest Firefighters Ever!"? Because I have the title all sewn up. No contest. (Well, Michael might be a close runner up.)

Seriously, I can quote this book in my sleep. Michael and I have even begun to delve into the big issues. How safe is Busytown when the fire engine causes a two-car pile up? Was there ever a time when firefighters wore ties? How does the snake put his pants on in the morning? Are those beef hot dogs the firefighters and Mr. Frumble (all pigs) are eating at the end? Or does Busytown have a seedy cannibalistic underbelly?

Yesterday I had a brief respite when LW allowed me to alternate Busiest Firefighters Ever! and Fox in Socks.

Is it any wonder I am finding How the Irish Saved Civilization a bit dry by comparison?

* This post is not intended in any way to convey a lack of gratitude for the relative who gave us the book. You have made one little boy very happy. And we can't remember who you are, so no hard feelings.


Anonymous said...

I promise, it wasn't me. But I understand. I had some relative give us a copy of Curious George Learns the ABCs before this relative had kids of her own. I'm sure she realizes now just how LOOONG that book is!

Minda said...

Actually, no. I learned from your experience and have never allowed any of my kids to see that book. ;-)

Anonymous said...

It wasn't me!