Monday, November 5, 2007

Preschool side-effects

Now that LW has settled into preschool, I'm noticing some unexpected side effects:
  • He is showing some (small) progress in picking up after himself. Specifically, when I go to get him, he says, "Pack up" and puts what's left of his lunch either back in his lunch box or in the garbage can. We are still working on tranferring this behavior to home.
  • He is obsessed with the toilet. "Me use toilet!" he insists several times a day. Of course, he is almost never able to perform, so it's largely wasted time.
  • He is slightly more willing to walk on his own instead of being carried. My back appreciates this. (Those of you with light babies, take a moment to be thankful.)
  • He knows songs I don't know. Actually, I might know them, but I don't recognize them from his descriptions. He finds this more than a little frustrating. (Note to self: Ask the teachers if they know which song is the "Garbage Truck Song.")

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Hmmm, this kind of makes me want to sign up the girls for preschool. It does such a nice job disciplining kids, eh?