Sunday, July 18, 2010

Some Ideas Should Not Be Tried

Several years ago, I heard a mom say that during the summer they have ice cream sundaes for Sunday dinner. I thought it sounded fun, but Michael, the family chef, did not. Since he's out of town for the week, I decided today would be a perfect time to try it.

The kids have been counting down the days ever since the ice cream entered the house.

I made sure we all had a healthy breakfast and lunch, and then I made brownies. For dinner, we had brownie sundaes with two kinds of ice cream, hot fudge sauce, butterscotch, and whipped cream. Sugar shock hit me two bites in, and I went in search of the leftover pasta salad. After that, I spent an hour lying on the couch.

NB and LW ate their small first helping and made it half-way through their seconds. NB then made himself a roast beef sandwich.

IM and EM asked for thirds, but when I said no they also scrounged up something healthy.

I learned two things today. One, this is not a new family tradition. Two, there are limits to my sweet tooth.


WendyandGabe said...

I bet your kids will remember their "cool" mom though! It sounds like a fun experiment.

Jessica said...

Coolest. Mom. Ever.

Michael Carr - Veritas Literary said...

I'm in no position to say, "told you so," as my ice cream consumption since I got to the island has been shocking.