Monday, July 6, 2009

Constructing the addition--Day 1

I was only able to take one Before picture before the camera battery ran out of juice. Here is the old porch (down) and deck (up).

All gone. It's amazing how much light comes in now that the porch is gone. I'm (almost) sorry we're adding on.

The dumpster arrives tomorrow. Good thing.

My job for the next who-knows-how-long is to keep LW from opening the back door onto the lovely drop. We might have to rig up some kind of additional lock.

Speaking of LW, if you are looking for a way to entertain your preschooler for the summer, I highly recommend a construction project. He was glued to the window most of the day. Our general contractor is his new hero.

And the backhoe arrives tomorrow. He'll be over the moon.

The birds and chipmunks, incidentally, are extremely confused by the removal of the bird feeder. They haven't yet found the one we put up around the corner.


Anonymous said...

We were wondering about the state of the project. Thanks for the photos. It's amazing how fast you can tear down, but the building up always seems to go more slowly. What a great summer babysitter you'll have for the boy who loves construction projects. Sounds like my brother Paul when he was a kid. Couldn't be kept away from a construction project anywhere within a mile radius from the time he was about 3 years old!


Jessica said...

Oooh, after all the talk about it, I'll be glad to follow the progress through photos.