Saturday, February 28, 2009

What's wrong with pajamas?

Back in the fall, we had a hard time convincing LW to wear his pajamas. He spent most of the summer sleeping in just a pull-up and didn't see the need for more clothes at night. The fact that he was waking up freezing (his bedroom has no heat) did not do anything to change his mind. After weeks and weeks of bedtime arguments, he began wearing pajamas without complaint.

Until recently.

First, it was pajama tops he objected to. I'd help him get into this pajamas at night and tuck him in. When I checked on him later, before I went to bed, he'd be wearing a t-shirt and pajama bottoms.

Tonight he upped the ante.

I found him in my bed, wearing a t-shirt and shorts. Not the fleece pajama bottoms he was wearing when I tucked him in his bed.

Stubborn? My child? Whatever gave you that idea?

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