Monday, November 3, 2008

What the kids are saying

NB to the minister during the church service, after she asked the kids to draw fish on the envelopes that will be passed out on stewardship Sunday later this month: Can they be predatory fish?

LW, loudly, in the middle of church while looking at a picture of King Saul: Mommy, look! He's wearing a cape! He's a vampire!

(You'll be glad to know that I anticipated where this was going and clapped my hand over his mouth, thus muffling the vampire part.)

LW, while reading Platypus and the Lucky Day: He is so cute. I want to kiss him. I'll give him a kiss at Disney World.

LW, on being told Platypus was not a Disney character: Where does Platypus live? Where can I kiss him?

IM, while watching TV, on seeing the warning "Warning: Indigenous nudity": Good. I like that.
Michael: Why?
IM: 'Cause it's funny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Laurel and Carter were vampires for Halloween this year. At dinner on Halloween, Carter asked how vampires were made. After describing to Carter how a vampire bites a human, then gives the human some of their blood, then the human dies, and rises from the dead a few days later as a vampire, Grant concluded theatrically "Just like Jesus--maybe Jesus was a vampire!"