Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Another big kid

We moved LW to the bottom bunk yesterday. He's a tall boy, and he's outgrown his travel-size crib. We figured it was time to give him a little more room.

He was very eager to help me assemble and install the railing on the bottom bunk and went to bed cheerfully enough.

We braced ourselves. Would he quickly grow bored and climb out? Would he go wandering in the middle of the night? Would he take after EM and refuse to get out of bed in the morning until we came to get him?

None of those, as it turned out. He went to sleep, slept through the night, and got himself out of bed in the morning.

He came downstairs and excitedly told Michael, "Me sleep in me big bed. Me get meself up all by meself. Me a big kid."

And later, looking at the cinnamon rolls in the oven, "What us big kids eating?"

Of course, I'm not convinced were out of the woods yet. Let's see how nap goes today and bedtime goes tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now that you've had a few days of Big Kid sleeping in his big bed, I hope you are still getting a good night's sleep.

OR Mom