Sunday, November 1, 2009


I love Halloween in the village. We've been here long enough to know the traditions and look forward to them. The weather is unreliable this time of year. Some years it's freezing cold, and we put gloves on the kids and nurse cups of hot cider. Some years it's unseasonably warm. I've heard stories of the year it snowed so much that they cancelled school the next day. This was the first year since we moved here that we had to deal with rain.

Lots of rain. Even with umbrellas and the judicious use of house porches during the worst downpours, we were soaked. LW had a great time for half an hour and then voted for taking refuge in our church, where he cheerfully chatted up the adults who were handing out the candy there and checked out everyone else's costumes while we waited for Michael and the twins to finish up.

Here they are, as we were getting into the car and watching the first sprinkles fall:

LW has wanted to be a vampire for the past 365 days--ever since last Halloween. NB is a ninja. IM is a penguin.


WendyandGabe said...

They look very cute! Thanks for the picture. :)

teri said...

Ugh. I think pouring rain may be the worst.