Sunday, June 8, 2008

Not dead yet

Lack of blogging to the contrary, I am still here.

How was my week, you ask?

I worked ten-and-a-half hours yesterday. After working 48 hours Monday through Friday. Funny looking part-time job.

I actually have time to blog, while waiting . . . waiting . . . waiting for the XML content server. But since work is taking up so much of my time and mental energy, I don't have any thoughts that you would want to read. Unless you like hearing me gripe about server speed and co-workers. And take it from Michael, it's not that interesting.

It's like the book LW and I have been reading this week:
Oh, no! A swamp!
Can't go over it
Can't go under it
Can't go around it
Have to go through it.

See you on the other side.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I can relate -- had a crazy week at work, too...maybe I'll find the time to blog about it once I catch up on sleep.